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Results for "keyword: "Character", latest_content: 1"
Boring Franz Metcalf's answer to the question, "What would Buddha do when bored?"
The "Other" Character A suggestion for exploring who you make "other."
The Eighth Commandment Interpretation of the Eighth Commandment as prohibiting behavior that steals someone's self-worth.
Finding the Mid-Point Between Self-Effacement and Arrogance Advice on striking a balance in self-esteem.
Write a Personal Moral Code A writing practice for naming and embodying your values.
Engaging with Flaws 16 ways to evaluate character, with an eye to improving one quality at a time.
A Boardinghouse of Characters A comparison of our psyche to the range of characters in a boardinghouse.
Self-Accounting A discernment technique for assessing our life's balance sheet on a daily basis.
Honoring Your Past Encouragement to consider who your teachers have been and how you can honor them.
Nurturing Awareness of What You Hold Sacred A reflection on what you experience as sacred.